suedzucker.comAbout usSüdzucker Locations
What if we could make
the world a sweeter place?

The Südzucker Sugar Division is the leading provider of plant-based sweetening solutions. We offer the broadest range of beet sugar products including unmatched services - supporting our customers for a sweeter business.

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Südzucker Locations

Südzucker AG is one of the largest food conglomerates in Germany. Our headquarters are located in Mannheim, Germany. Together with our sister company Agrana we operate sales offices all across Europe. Our beet sugar factories are located in Germany, France, Belgium, Poland and Moldova.

If you are looking for specific certifications of our production locations, visit our download center.


Südzucker AG
Südzucker Group Headquarter
Maximilianstraße 10 D-68165 Mannheim
Saint Louis Sucre S.A.S.
74 avenue du Général de Gaulle F-80700 Roye
Raffinerie Tirlemontoise S.A.
Aandorenstraat 1 B-3300 Tienen
Südzucker Polska S.A. ul.
Muchoborska 6 Pl-54-424 Wroclaw
Südzucker UK
Alba Centre
Rosebank Way
Livingston EH54 7EG United Kingdom
IM "Südzucker Moldova" S.A.
Str. Timis 19 MD-2009 Chisinau

Sales Offices

Südzucker AG
Maximilianstraße 10 D-68165  Mannheim Germany
Saint Louis Sucre S.A.S.
74 avenue du Général de Gaulle F-80700 Roye France
Raffinerie Tirlemontoise S.A.
Aandorenstraat 1 B-3300 Tienen Belgium
Südzucker Polska S.A.
Biuro Handlowe ul. Artura Grottgera 30 Pl-32-020 Wieliczka Polska
Südzucker UK
Alba Centre
Rosebank Way
Livingston EH54 7EG United Kingdom
Sudzucker Ibérica SLU
Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 630, 4ª planta ES-08007 Barcelona Spain
Maxi S.r.l.
Via G. Galilei, 10 I-39100 Bolzano Italy
Sudzucker Hellas Ltd.
336, Vouliagmenis Avenue & Griva Digeni 1 GR-17342 Ag. Dimitrios Greece


Südzucker AG
Werk Rain
Donauwörther Straße 50 D-86641 Rain/Lech Germany
Südzucker AG
Werk Zeitz
Albrechtstraße 54 D-06712 Zeitz Germany
Südzucker AG
Werk Wabern
Homberger Straße 1 D-34590 Wabern Germany
Südzucker AG
Werk Offstein
Wormser Straße 11 D-67283 Obrigheim/Pfalz Germany
Südzucker AG
Werk Offenau
Ludwig-Kayser-Straße D-74254 Offenau Germany
Südzucker AG
Werk Plattling
Dr.-Ludwig-Kayser-Straße 1 D-94447 Plattling Germany
Südzucker AG
Werk Ochsenfurt
Marktbreiter Straße 74 D-97199 Ochsenfurt Germany
Saint Louis Sucre
Route Gamaches F-27150 Étrépagny France
Saint Louis Sucre
Rue de la Sucrerie F-27550 Nassandres sur Risle France
Candico SA
Carrettestraat 33 B-2170 Merksem Belgium
Suikers G. Lebbe N.V.
Kampveldstraat 41 B-8020 Oostkamp Belgium
Raffinerie Tirlemontoise S.A.
Usine de Tienen
Aandorenstraat 1 B-3300 Tienen Belgium
Raffinerie Tirlemontoise S.A.
Usine de Wanze Suikerraffinaderij N.V
Rue de Meuse 9 B-4520 Wanze Belgium
Rafti B.V. - Rafti Sugar Solutions
Nieuweweg 245 NL-6603 Wijchen Netherlands
Cukrownia Cerekiew
ul. Fabryczna 13 Pl-47260 Polska Cerekiew woj. Opolskie Polska
Cukrownia Ropczyce
ul. Kolejowa 140 Pl-39100 Ropczyce Polska
Cukrownia Strzelin
ul. Zabkowicka 53 Pl-57100 Strzelin woj. Dolnoslaskie Polska
Cukrownia Swidnica
ul. Fabryczna 1 Pl-58125 Pszenno woj. Dolnoslaskie Polska
Südzucker Moldova S.A.
Str. 27 August 1 MD-5200 Drochia Moldova
Südzucker Moldova S.A.
Str. lasi 1 MD-5900 Falesti Moldova
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