Organic Beet Sugar according to Bioland Guidelines
The organic market is a constantly growing market that has established itself throughout the entire food system over the last few years. Today fruits and vegetables are far from the only foods sold that are grown in accordance with organic standards. More and more highly innovative processed foods are being launched predominantly in organic quality. For years products with an organic claim have grown much faster than the market average. According to GNPD Mintel almost every 5th new product launched in Europe has an organic claim (source: Mintel GNPD 2019).

Source: GNPD Mintel
Besides the established and well-known European EU organic products label according to the EU organic regulation of 1992, there are many other organic specialised labels and certifications available on the market. Consumers are looking for organic seals of associations they know, trust and rely on.
Bioland is a very well-known association with high standards that enjoys tremendous consumer trust in Germany. Bioland has almost 50 years of experience in the regional organic agriculture business (status 2020).
Bioland focuses on food grown and processed in Germany and South Tirol. The topics of regionality, supporting local farmers and biodiversity are important pillars in its seven Bioland principles. The seven Bioland principles also clearly demonstrate Bioland’s higher standards when compared with the EU organic regulation.
Regionality is also an important purchasing criterion of today’s consumers. The demand for products that support local farmers, our society and economies is increasing each year. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this trend. By choosing organic certified products, consumers want to be sure they are doing something good for the planet, but also wish to support their local agriculture and economy. Therefore, products with the Bioland trademark are a good choice.
Südzucker is a Bioland community partner and offers our industry customers organic beet sugar produced in accordance with the Bioland guidelines in established and superior Südzucker quality. Inspections are performed annually to ensure that Südzucker meets these high standards, e.g. three times directly in production during the organic beet sugar campaign.
All this is done because we also believe that organic and regionality go hand in hand. Preserving biodiversity also plays an important role at Südzucker. This can be seen, for example, by the flower strips that Südzucker and its farmers have planted along the edges of the Südzucker fields over the course of almost 20 years of organic beet sugar production in Germany.
Over 80% of our sugar beets are grown in Bavaria, where we also produce our crystalline organic beet sugar. This is likewise reflected in short transport distances.
A further step Südzucker is taking with its farmers in 2021 is ensuring that all organic beets are cultivated exclusively under the conditions of organic farming associations such as Bioland. This is a further step that demonstrates Südzucker’s high standards along with its commitment to acting responsibly, including in the organic sector.
Would you like to learn more about our organic beet sugar solutions? Please visit our organic beet sugar product page.